Are You Keeping Track?

Today, May 16, Are You Keeping Track?

Keeping track of WHAT?


That means ALL your traffic, time, and resources…

This includes your referrals, subscribers, advertising, business tools, traffic sources, and anything else that you can think of. So take a minute and pick an area.

How well are you tracking there? Dig into it and see how you can track better.There’s always room for improvement.

UNFORTUNATELY, there were technical difficulties with recording. So there’s no recording for today’s webinar!

The recordings are saved unlisted into Youtube now. So you’ll need to login to your account in Affiliate Funnel and access the current one on the Lessons home page. The recordings are currently loaded in there by the following Monday. (You can still view the older ones on the News blog.)

For today’s replay, on the left hand side of the Lessons page, you’ll find…

“Webinar Details
If you missed the webinar on Saturday you can view it here”

Click on the button below that to view the current recording. (The recording will be available as soon as possible.)

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