We Wanna See Yours!

Today, May 9, We Wanna See Yours!

How well are Your Ads Performing?

Are you making your own ads?

Well, that is the ONLY way to make your ads unique!

Today we viewed and critiqued our members’ splash and squeeze pages. There were some great pages and some great input on How To Make Them BETTER.

So you missed the webinar or didn’t get one of your pages shown? (Or maybe you just didn’t have enough time to jot down all the notes you wanted to make.) Well, no worries because the tips could apply to any of YOUR own pages.

And everybody could always use more leads and results! So come check it out…

The recordings are saved unlisted into Youtube now. So you’ll need to login to your account in Affiliate Funnel and access the current one on the Lessons home page. The recordings are currently loaded in there by the following Monday. (You can still view the older ones on the News blog.)

For today’s replay, on the left hand side of the Lessons page, you’ll find…

“Webinar Details
If you missed the webinar on Saturday you can view it here”

Click on the button below that to view the current recording. (The recording will be available as soon as possible.)

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